Gluten Free

My life has been heading to the point of being Gluten free for months and years really now.  And finally i’ve decided to act upon it and i’ve been Gluten free for 6 days so far.  I’ve decided to trial it for 3 months and then I guess after that I’ll go back on it for a few days and see what happens.  If I have big issues, i’ll just stay off it for life.

I don’t have the classic symptoms like a lot of people seem to have, horrible bloating and feeling awful in the stomach and tired all the time.  I suppose I have been tired but i’ve put it down to being a night owl.  My reasoning for quitting gluten is that I have skin issues.  I have had Psoriasis on the scalp, ears and eyebrows since I was around 17 years old and despite a dermatologist telling me that my psoriasis has nothing to do with food, the more you read about psoriasis the more you see links going back to gluten.  I also have a mild version of Hidradenitis Supporativa  which if you click on the link looks bloomin scary, mine’s more like images 3 & 4 when they flare up.  Yeah it’s pretty gross, but pretty common.  One of my favourite shows is Embarrassing Bodies and at least once every season someone walks in with this disease.  One of the recommended treatments for this disease is weight loss.  I think staying away from products containing gluten is going to help weight loss if nothing else.  I can’t help but think that staying away from gluten is going to help my whole feeling of health.

Last week before I quit gluten and because I love Easter time due to the gorgeous hot crossed buns at Bakers Delight and a few other things from that bakery I had a big farewell to gluten pity party.  I bought a chocolate croissant, my favourite custard bun, blueberry scones, chocolate scones, and of course the chocolate and fruit hot crossed buns.  I think I put on a couple of kilos just eating those and i’m not sure gluten takes to get out of the system but i’m guessing it’s more than a week.  This week i’ve lost 4.2 kilos (probably mostly all the temporary eating buns kilos) just by being off gluten.  I’ve been a little hungry at times due to my own ignorance and stubbornness not wanting to give in.  But i’m sure as I go along I’ll discover more things to eat.  I’m trying to get back to raw food a bit too.

This week’s goal is simply just been to stick with it.  Not worry about how many calories i’m eating with other foods, just staying away from gluten. So far so good!

You may have noticed that I haven’t made the Bailey’s cheesecake yet.  Well, once I work out a shortbread base that’s gluten free i’ll be onto it. 🙂

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